Critical For Nordonia Schools

Invest in Safety, Facilities, and Student Success

✪ A 5 Mill Operating Levy to Support Nordonia Schools

✪ Total Increase of Only 3 Mills Due to 2 Mills Expiring

✪ $8.75 Per Month Increase for Every $100k of Appraised Value
(not market value)

✪ Maintain Class Sizes and Programs

✪ Enhance Safety and Maintain School Resource Officers In Every Building

Nordonia Schools are top ranked in the state due to the support from our community – Thank you! 

The funding level approved and locked in by voters in 2019 is no longer keeping pace with inflation. Costs have risen substantially across the board. Despite making consequential spending cuts already, a new levy is needed to maintain our excellent schools. 

If a levy is not approved in May, our schools face a serious budget deficit that will require significantly larger class sizes, substantial program cuts, and cuts to important supportive services for our most vulnerable students. Additionally, we will fall further and further behind on the over $59 million of needed repairs for our aging facilities. 

These cuts will hurt our students and community. We humbly ask for your support. 

Vote YES for Nordonia on May 6th. Invest in Safety, Facilities, and Student Success!